Let's Look At The Cost of Conflict

When CPP inc. -publishers of the Myers-Briggs Assessment and the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument-commissioned a study of workplace conflict, they found that in 2008, U.S. employees spent 2.8 hours per week dealing with conflict. This amounts to approoximately $359 billon in paid hours (based on average hourly earnings of $17.95), or the equivalent of 385 millon working days. (The Real Cost of Conflict, Entrepreneur.com)

That is a lot of money lost. Time is money, money is time. Your employees are there to do one or more of the following: create the widget, sell the widget, provide a service or develop a service. Ms. Conflict aka the “Elephant in the Room” is going to raise her lovely head. You may ignore her, confront her, fight her or run. Until you address the sources of conflict, the effects will forever negatively impact your organization.

Vickie R. Williams
Executive Director